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Get Amazing Drum Sound with Just One Plug-in!
The SSL Drumstrip is an essential tool for sculpting an impactful drum mix. Featuring a modular design that lets you adjust the order of the processors to suit different drum types and drum styles, this plug-in offers a transient shaper, a dedicated drum gate, high-frequency and low-frequency enhancers, and the classic SSL listening microphone compressor.
If you want a drum mix with good punch, clarity and weight, the SSL Drumstrip is the right choice. From chunky beats to tight snares and exciting drum pickups, this plugin can do it all.
All the components for an amazing drum mix in a single strip channel style plug-in
Transient shaper to manipulate attack and sustain for maximum impact
Dedicated battery port to eliminate microphone leakage and unwanted background noise
High-frequency enhancer for vibrant highs
Low-frequency enhancer for tight, full-bodied bass
Legendary classic SSL mic listening compressor delivers the legendary, inimitable drum sound
Reorder processors for a truly personalized signal chain