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Bring your mixes together with surgical precision: When it's time to add finishing touches and cohesion to a song, mixing engineers often turn to SSL products like the G3 MultiBus Compressor plug-in.
The G3 captures the legendary SSL sound and makes it more accurate than ever by offering individual 3-band frequency sculpting capabilities. Firstly, the G3's intuitive band graph view makes it easy to set and visualize the desired threshold and crossover frequencies.
Plus, the plugin's high-resolution interface can be scaled up to 200%, so you always have reliable visual information. Its Drive feature - inspired by the iconic SSL 4K drive circuit - adds warmth and punch to your mix while maintaining dynamic control.
Robust sidechain capabilities allow you to control dynamic response from many separate band or signal options. Meanwhile, Parameter Link allows for quick and easy changes to I/O gain and threshold/frequency gain in each frequency band. Finally, unique listening on each band (and each band's sidechain input) lets you hear changes in isolation for optimal fine-tuning.
Solid State Logic G3 MultiBus Compressor Plugin Features:
Legendary SSL compression that splices your tracks into 3 independently configurable frequency bands
Per-Band Drive feature lets you add SSL 4K-inspired warmth and character while maintaining control of dynamics
Parameter Link allows you to quickly apply and reverse changes between input/output gain or threshold/compensation gain for each frequency band.
Highly customizable sidechain filters enhance or attenuate the dynamic responses of different frequency bands or signals.
Hear each individual band and each band's individual sidechain input to make more informed mixing decisions
Band chart view intuitively helps you define your threshold and crossover frequencies