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The Legendary SSL Bus Compressor: The SSL G-Series Bus Compressor is universally revered and is now available as a native plug-in designed by SSL.
Celebrated for its ability to stitch together a mix to make it "sound like a record," the SSL bus compressor has a distinctive musical response that maintains a mix's dynamic integrity even at higher compression ratios.
A perennial favorite of audio engineers, SSL Bus Compressor's simple interface hides an incredible amount of flexibility, and the plug-in version introduces unique features not present on the original hardware, including dry/wet signal mixing for parallel processing and a high-pass sidechain filter to reduce compression at low frequencies.
Add the finishing touch to your mixes with SSL's legendary bus compressor.
SSL-designed emulation of the famous G-Series Bus Compressor
Revered for its ability to “glue” a mixture together
Maintains the dynamic character of a mixture even at higher proportions
Simple to use, yet incredibly flexible, with classic Threshold, Attack, Ratio and Makeup controls
Plug-in version includes dry/wet parallel processing control and sidechain high-pass filter