We worked hard to ensure our compressor sounded exactly like the original, maintaining its punch and vibrancy. We've also tweaked it to respond better to different sounds and even added a mid-frequency boost, so it's now versatile enough to double as a de-esser too.
People who love gear really like how VCA adds a bit of distortion - they liked it so much that we increased this feature a lot. This doesn't just give it some heat; it also allows you to get really heavy with the effects if you want to make the vocals and basslines stand out. We've added a control that allows you to combine the original and processed signal to get the perfect amount of this effect. Additionally, if you are used to specific settings, we offer a step buttons option
Threshold, Ratio, Attack and Release controls
- Auto Release mode that sets the release time based on the musical content
- Mix button to apply parallel compression
- Gain control to add positive or negative makeup gain
- Internal/external sidechain filtering options
- VCA THD that applies subtle saturation
- Peak and RMS detection modes
- Input, output and gain reduction meters
- Choose between freely adjustable or staggered button configurations
- Factory presets